There are few signs of strong orders for copper in China by cable makers and for power grid investment, despite the arrival of the traditional peak buying season. 在中国,目前几乎没有迹象表明电缆制造商下大额订单或进行高额电网投资,尽管传统的高峰购买季节已到来。
Hedge fund investors who made money last year by betting against investment banks are now buying gold as a way of betting against central banks. 去年因看空投资银行而赚到钱的对冲基金投资者,如今正因看空各国央行而买入黄金。
Almost a third of respondents to a recent Credit Suisse survey cited investment as their main reason for buying property, so the measures should hurt. 瑞信(CreditSuisse)一项最新调查中,近三分之一的受访者表示,置业的主要原因是投资,所以上述措施应会产生抑制效果。
Speculation: A high-risk investment strategy aimed at making quick, substantial gains from the buying or selling of stocks, currencies or other assets. 投机:旨在通过买卖股票、币或其他资产牟取暴利的一种高风险投资策略。
Even commodities might suffer as lower Chinese fixed investment and damped US growth outweigh Chinese consumers 'enhanced buying power. 随着中国固定资产投资减少,美国增长低迷超过了中国消费者购买力提高的影响,就连大宗商品也可能遭殃。
Using some or all your investment proceeds, you can expand your portfolio by buying into other promising companies. 你可以利用部分或全部投资收益,购买其他看好的公司股票,来扩展所持有价证券的类别。
Kiu hung is a toy manufacturer and investment company which recently diversified by buying coal mines in Inner Mongolia. 侨雄本是一家玩具制造商和投资公司,最近正通过收购内蒙古煤矿实现业务多元化。
But in practice numerous investment controls prevent Saudi Arabians from buying Wisconsin farms and Americans owning Saudi oil wells. 但事实上,无数的投资控制阻碍了沙特阿拉伯人收购威斯康星州的农场和美国人拥有沙特的油井。
In 2010, futures prices have generally been much higher than spot, and the standard investment strategy of buying and rolling futures prices has cost investors about 11 per cent this year. 今年总体而言,大宗商品期货价格一直远高于现货价格,购买期货和期货价格展期的标准投资战略今年令投资者损失约11%。
Massive infrastructure investment has been the main driver for the buying of commodities which helped revive prices last year in the aftermath of the financial crisis. 大规模基础设施投资一直是推动中国买入大宗商品的主要因素,进而促使大宗商品价格去年在金融危机后出现回升。
Some two-thirds of American pension funds with investment charters limit themselves to buying bonds rated by the industry's triopoly. 大约三分之二的有投资特权的美国养老基金已经有限制的购买被这三个垄断巨头降低评级的债券。
Infrastructure investment funds are increasingly buying infrastructure either to benefit from the steady cashflow from existing infrastructure-and release money to hard-pressed governments-or to finance new projects which governments cannot. 基础设施投资基金正越来越多地收购基础设施,要么是为了获益于现有基础设施的稳定现金流(并向手头紧张的政府提供资金),要么是为政府无力投资的新项目提供资金。
At the start of the year, CIC also made an investment in Thames Water, buying an 9 per cent stake in the London water utility. 今年年初,中投公司还投资收购了伦敦水务公司泰晤士水务(ThamesWater)9%的股份。
Earlier this week US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced a public-private investment program aimed at buying up to$ 1000bn of toxic assets held by banks. 近期,美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)宣布了一个公私合作投资计划,旨在购买银行持有的高达1万亿美元的有毒资产。
To avoid real estate speculation, the UK only allows applicants to allocate up to a quarter of their investment to buying property. 为避免房地产投机,英国只允许申请人将其投资额的最多四分之一用于置业。
In fact, says the SEC complaint, Goldman made investors think the reverse – that Paulson, widely respected for its shrewd investment views, was buying into the equity of the CDO to the tune of$ 200m. 证交会在起诉书中称,事实上,高盛让投资者得到相反的印象:因精明投资观点而广受尊敬的保尔森,打算买进该CDO的股权,数额高达2亿美元。
The full-service investment bank, buying and selling shares and bonds for customers as well as advising companies and trading with its own capital, is doomed. 此类投资银行既开展代客户买卖股票和债券、为企业提供建议等服务,也以自有资金进行交易。
The Kuwaiti investment consortium interested in buying Liverpool have revealed that both parties are willing to negotiate. 对收购利物浦有着浓厚兴趣的科威特投资财团表示双方都愿意就收购一事进行磋商。
Owning rental property is a major investment and involves more risks than simply buying a home to live in yourself. 拥有出租物业是一项重大投资,所涉及的风险亦多过仅仅购楼自住。
Successful bidders need to re-invest roughly one-third of sales above$ 70m through foreign direct investment, research and development spending, or by buying local parts and materials. 竞标成功的公司必须通过外国直接投资、研发支出、或购买印度国内零部件及材料的方式,将金额超过7000万美元的销售收入的约三分之一进行再投资。
Last year, investment demand overtook jewellery as the biggest source of gold buying for the first time in three decades. 去年,投资需求30年来首次超过首饰行业,成为黄金的最大购买来源。
By comparison, direct investment, which involves buying an overseas company outright or starting an enterprise from scratch, is relatively more open, but still subject to government approval. 相比之下,直接投资(包括直接收购海外企业或者从零开始创办企业)相对较为开放,但仍需得到政府的批准。
The investment adviser recommends buying shares in Aircraft Company. 投资顾问建议购买航空公司的股票。
Last year, as the market stabilised, the investment bank approached CIC to gauge its interest in buying the portfolio. 去年,随着市场企稳,摩根士丹利与中投进行了接洽,以判断后者对购买这笔资产组合的兴趣。
The chairman and chief executive of Morgan Stanley said the investment bank would consider buying portfolios of leveraged loans and mortgage assets as their prices and potential returns were becoming attractive. 麦晋桁说,随着杠杆贷款和抵押贷款资产的价格和潜在回报率日渐显现出吸引力,摩根士丹利将考虑购入此类资产组合。
Infrastructure expansion, especially the heat of real estate investment and buying family cars are not based on solid economic foundations and the bubble in real estate market should be controlled as early as possible. 因为拉动这轮经济过热的基础设施建设、特别是房地产投资和家用汽车购买缺乏坚实的经济基础,约有一半的资金来源于金融贷款。
That is the reason why someone considers the investment stock as buying the lottery ticket. 这也是为什么有人认为投资股票无异于买彩票的缘故。
American economist Fama put forward the famous theory of the Efficient Market Hypothesis henceforth and formed a passive investment strategy of buying and holding. 此后,美国经济学家法玛提出了著名的有效市场假说,形成了买入并持有的消极投资战略。
The significance of Real estate early-warning system is as following: as an important means to control real estate market; as a basis of investment; as a guide of people buying houses; is an inevitable trend market information management. 房地产预警系统的研究意义在于:是政府调控市场的重要手段;是开发投资的依据和导航;是老百姓购房的指导;是市场信息化管理的必然趋势。